Stevens' Power Law
In 1957, after dozens of experiments on direct scaling, such as magnitude estimation, appeared in the literature, S. S. Stevens proposed a new law to relate sensation magnitude to stimulus intensity:
So when plotted on log-log axes, the power law plots as a straight line with a slope of the exponent.
The exponent can be greater than one representing a positively accelerated or expansive function or it can be less than one representing a negatively accelerated or compressive function. We can compare this to Fechner's law which is compressive. There are functions, such as the perception of line length that have exponents equal to 1 showing a linear relationship between stimulus physical magnitude and perceptual magnitude.
Is Stevens' law a replacement of Fechner's Law? The answer to this question must involve questions about the assumptions underlying Fechner's Law (all jnd's are alike) and the interpretation and application of these laws.
Here are a couple of graphs showing power functions:
For fun, here is a table of exponents collected by Stevens.
Measured exponent | Stimulus condition |
Loudness | 0.67 | Sound pressure of 3000-Hz tone |
Vibration | 0.95 | Amplitude of 60 Hz on finger |
Vibration | 0.6 | Amplitude of 250 Hz on finger |
Brightness | 0.33 | 5° target in dark |
Brightness | 0.5 | Point source |
Brightness | 5 | Brief flash |
Brightness | 1 | Point source briefly flashed |
Lightness | 1.2 | Reflectance of gray papers |
Visual length | 1 | Projected line |
Visual area | 0.7 | Projected square |
Redness (saturation) | 1.7 | Red-gray mixture |
Taste | 1.3 | Sucrose |
Taste | 1.4 | Salt |
Taste | 0.8 | Sacchrine |
Smell | 0.6 | Heptane |
Cold | 1 | Metal contact on arm |
Warmth | 1.6 | Metal contact on arm |
Warmth | 1.3 | Irradiation of skin, small area |
Warmth | 0.7 | Irradiation of skin, large area |
Discomfort, cold | 1.7 | Whole body irradiation |
Discomfort, warm | 0.7 | Whole body irradiaton |
Thermal pain | 1 | Radiant heat on skin |
Tactual roughness | 1.5 | Rubbing emery cloths |
Tactual hardness | 0.8 | Squeezing rubber |
Finger span | 1.3 | Thickness of blocks |
Pressure on palm | 1.1 | Static force on skin |
Muscle force | 1.7 | Static contractions |
Heaviness | 1.45 | Lifed weights |
Viscosity | 0.42 | Stirring silicone fluids |
Electric shock | 3.5 | Current through fingers |
Vocal effort | 1.1 | Vocal sound pressure |
Angular acceleration | 1.4 | 5-sec rotation |
Duration | 1.1 | White noise stimuli |
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